MCGC Nutrition

Which grains should you avoid on a gluten-free diet?

Marie-Claire Gahel-Calouche

Just remember the acronym BROW: Barley, Rye, Oats, Wheat (and Triticale

However, certified gluten-free oats can be added to a gluten-free diet. It should be noted that many processed foods may contain gluten. Remember to check ingredients and avoid foods that contain or may contain gluten.

Which foods are gluten-free foods when unprocessed?

It is advisable to consume unprocessed foods more often. Basically, some unprocessed foods do not contain gluten.

Here’s a handy list:

  1. Fruits and vegetables
  2. Meat and poultry
  3. Fish and seafood
  4. Eggs
  5. Milk
  6. Fresh herbs
  7. Oil (except wheat germ oil)

The best advice is to consult a dietitian to avoid consumption if you have celiac disease. When choosing to trade or transform, make sure you find a gluten-free certification.

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